Sioux Blue typing at a computer keyboard

Introducing Sioux.Blue

Hi! I’m Sioux Blue and welcome to my little nook on the Internet — or maybe it’s my cranny on the Internet, I’m not quite sure as I’ve never been able to tell the difference when speaking metaphorically. The bottom line is that it’s mine. And the views and opinions expressed here are entirely my own. I expect that in many cases they will also be uniquely mine — I tend to see things from angles that most normal people do not, and that gives me some radical perspectives. You may not always agree with me, but I hope I make you think and I hope that I help you a little bit.

I write about porn for the same reason that some people blog and write about sports, politics, technology, science, academics, medicine, crafts, cooking, or any of many other thousands of topics. I write about porn because I enjoy porn. I believe it’s a genre of entertainment that is far too often excluded when talking about entertainment. There is an undeserved social stigma about porn in Western society, and especially in these United States of America. Most people have seen it and enjoyed it. We just need to quit acting like we haven’t.

Here on Sioux.Blue, I share what I like, what I dislike, my thoughts, opinions, philosophies, porn reviews, porn hints and tips, and porn resources, including some resources that I create. I might even share some erotica that I’ve written. If it has to do with porn, I might write about it here. We’ll have to see where this site might go. These things seem to take on a life of their own after they are launched.

This is something I’ve wanted to do for many years. It has just been a matter of getting started. For some reason, with a porn site, I’ve always felt like I had to have things just right and know exactly where it was headed. With the most successful things in my life, I’ve usually just jumped in with both feet and figured them out as I went. Why should this be any different?

So, here I am, stepping forward. One small keystroke for man; one giant keystroke for pornography! And some say stroking is what it’s all about…


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